
The 3 Pillars for Creating Wealth

The 3 Pillars for creating wealth: Pillar 1, Pillar 2, Pillar 3

Everyone has seen this before – a cute white rat or mouse running on a wheel. We often look at this with amusement. The rat is running so hard, expending lots of energy, but is not going anywhere.

We often think to ourselves, what’s the point? This is a complete waste of time and energy. The rat is running aimlessly with no hope of a reward. It’s not like with a donkey or a horse where a carrot is at the end of a stick to entice them.

We call this the rate race – a term used to express an endless, self-defeating, or pointless pursuit.

Are you stuck in a rat race?

Living From Paycheck to Paycheck

Are you living from paycheck to paycheck each month, year-after-year, spending 40 or more hours working each week but are not getting ahead?

Maybe you did what you were told. You listened to your parents, teachers, mentors and trusted advisers who told you to go to a college or a university and get a degree so you can get a good job. You worked hard and got the degree along with 5-to-6 digit student loan debt, but the job you were able to get isn’t so good. It doesn’t pay that well, the hours are long, and your boss is terrible.

What are your options? Go back to school to get a masters degree while adding on more student loan debt and hope you can find a better job that pays you a little more money?

There has to be more to life than this, right?

So how to do you get out of the rat race?

How can you become financially independent so that you no longer have to work a dead-end job? What do you need to do to escape the matrix of working 40 hours or more each week until you are 65 just so you can can pay off student loan debt, pay rent, and drive a car?

If you want to get off the treadmill of paycheck to paycheck you have to incorporate the 3 pillars of wealth creation into your life. You must make the following three objectives part of your daily focus. You have to obtain these three.

1. Passive Income

2. Investment Income

3. Business Income

Incorporating these three pillars into your life is the only way you can ever hope to achieve financial freedom to become one of the success stories of those that have managed to escape the rat race that leads to spending 40 or more years working in hopes of having enough money saved to retire and collecting social security.

In my next three posts, I will discuss each of the three pillars individually.

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