
How to make $1 million

Who Wants to Be a Millionaire? is an international television game show franchise of British origin. I was a fan of the US version that premiered in 1999 hosted by the now-departed Regis Philbin.

The title of the game show is catchy, isn’t it?

Who doesn’t want to be a millionaire? Everyone, I think.

What if I told you that becoming a millionaire is difficult, but it is also easier than you think.

Why? Because out of nearly 8 billion people on the planet, 56.1 million are millionaires. That’s a pretty large number, and it gets larger each year.

If there are 56.1 million millionaires on the planet, and that number grows every year, why can’t you be one of them?

Millionaires are high achievers

To become a millionaire, you have to be willing to do what others are not.

The typical millionaire doesn’t spend much time watching TV, playing video games, or hanging out with friends to have fun.

A millionaire generally works longer hours and focuses on making each hour of the day when they are not sleeping productive.

A millionaire has a defined plan for success and high achievement and knows how to use their time to bring value to the world.

State why you want to be a millionaire

The first step a millionaire makes to define a vision for high achievement is to clearly state and define their why.

Establishing your why should not be defined only in your thoughts. Your why should be thoughtfully written down on paper.

The reason why your why should be written down is because when unexpected (or expected) challenges come, your why will be the rocket fuel to keep you thrusting forward.

Also, every successful person I have met or listened to said that your why, along with your vision board, must be written down.

I don’t know why, but there is something supernatural, even spiritual, about writing down what you want and expect to achieve in life.

Achieving success by writing down your vision has been followed for thousands of years. This principle is even in the Bible.

Habakkuk 2:2 says, “Write the vision and make it plain on tables, that he may run who reads it.”

Not only is the vision for you to remember, but it is also for the purpose that reads it to take action.

Why I want to be a millionaire

My wife and her family are from a small country in West Africa called Sierra Leone. Forty years ago, Sierra Leone was a very lovely country to live in. My wife and two of my neighbors all have very fond memories of growing up in Freetown – the capital and largest city in the country. That was before the civil war started in 1991.

Like most wars, very little is accomplished except quickly tearing down what took decades or centuries to build. The Sierra Leonean Civil War caused a heavy brain drain – many of the highest skilled and most educated labor force fled the country. Some migrated to the United Kingdom, and many others relocated to the United States.

When the war ended in 2001, Sierra Leone, once a proud and prosperous country, was left in poverty. Today, many people living in Sierra Leone lack basic necessities. For many, the struggle for food and adequate housing is real. With many of the most talented educators now living abroad, the educational system has suffered immensely, increasing illiteracy.

Restore Sierra Leone

I want to restore Sierra Leone, making it better than before.

I know it’s a lofty vision. However, if the United Arab Emirates can accomplish what it has done in 50 years, then I have hope for Sierra Leone.

It starts by doing my part in the rebuild process.

My vision is to meet people’s basic needs by providing healthy food and respectable housing.

Healthy Food

I want 500 acres of farmland to grow healthy, organic vegetables to provide food security and create employment opportunities.

Most of the produce will be sold in the local villages at an affordable price. The fast-growing, high-yielding crops will be exported for profit as this will allow the farm to meet expenses and pay a living wage to workers.

True to the original tithing plan in the Bible, 10% of everything grown will be given away to local churches, mosques, and charities so that everyone in need can eat a healthy meal each day.

Affordable Homes

Adequate housing in Sierra Leone is a big problem, particularly in Freetown. During the war, people left neighboring cities and villages to seek safety in Freetown. This caused overcrowding in Freetown. There are not enough homes available for people to live in, and due to lack of employment and poverty, many people are living under fabricated iron sheets and whatever makeshift housing they can construct.

I want to launch a tiny-house movement by starting a construction company that creates affordable homes from solar-powered shipping containers.

No longer will people have to live on the street if unsafe, unsanitary conditions.

Don’t knock a house made out of a shipping container until you see the quality of home my construction company will build.

The shipping container homes will bring pride, respect, and community to those that need it the most.

Homes for the diaspora

It’s time for the diaspora to return. Sierra Leone must reclaim the talented minds and expertise that fled the country during the war.

However, after living in more developed countries for many, I understand why many in the diaspora are reluctant to return home.

Let’s be honest – people like feeling comfortable and having access to basic amenities.

After living in the West, it’s not ideal to return to a place where you must deal with power outages, inadequate healthcare facilities, poorly constructed homes, and an inferior education system for children.

This is why I will use my construction company to create a 1,000 home subdivision targeting the diaspora that wants to live in Sierra Leone and still enjoy the amenities they have grown accustomed to. Each home will be off-grid and fully powered by solar panels.

The subdivision will contain a medical facility, dentist’s office, K-12 school, retail shops, restaurants, a fitness center, and a grocery store.

Using the same food growing principles from the 500-acre farm, a section of the subdivision will be used to grow food for the local farmer’s market and grocery store.

The subdivision will also be available to African Americans that want to relocate to Sierra Leone. After Ghana had the year of return in 2019, Sierra Leone and other West African countries are offering African Americans citizenship. Here is a video showing a few African Americans that have successfully obtained Sierra Leone citizenship.

Why wouldn’t you want to live in a westernized community in a beautiful low-cost country with gorgeous beaches and good weather? And citizenship too.

This is my vision for Sierra Leone. This is my purpose. This is the value I want to bring to the world. This is why I want to be a millionaire.


How you can partner with me

If you would like to support me in making my vision become a reality, I invite you to purchase one of my books available on Amazon: The Tithing Conspiracy and What My Father Didn’t Teach Me.

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