
Doctors In Black – PlanDemic

Here is undeniable proof that Bill Gates the World Health Organization (WHO), Center for Disease Control (CDC), Federal Drug Administration (FDA), are under the satanic control of Bill Gates and his side kick Dr. Anthony Fauci.

A Planned Pandemic

In 2015, Bill Gates did a TED Talk about highly infectious viruses. Five years later. COVID-19 has crippled the world economy.

To date, 30 million Americans have filed for unemployment benefits. A virus has caused the biggest financial collapses since the Great Depression. Not even 9/11 and the Financial Crisis of 2009 was this severe.

How did Bill Gates, someone that never graduated from college, does not have a medical degree, suddenly become an expert in microbiology and infectious diseases?

How could he speak so confidently about what the greatest threat to the world other than war? 

Here is a man that can not keep a virus from infecting Microsoft Windows. But now, he is the sole authority on that we are supposed to trust to vaccinate every person on the planet.

Something does not add up.

Dr. Anthony Fauci predicts a ‘surprise’ outbreak

It seems Dr. Fauci can predict the future too.

In 2017, he confidently predicted that there would be a “challenge” for the coming administration in the arena of infectious diseases.

How in the world could he he know?

Dr. Fauci’s research and labs are funded by Bill Gates.

Follow the Money

Everyone knows that Bill Gates is a billionaire.

In fact, until Jeff Bezos, Gates was the richest man in the world for over 20 years.

What does a billionaire do with their money?

The Bill & Melinda Gates foundation is the #2 funder of the WHO after the United States. Gates give more money to the WHO than every government except the United States. Because of his large, generous donation, Gates ends up controlling the very money US taxpayers hand the WHO for they do whatever Gates directs them to do.

Gates has funded every study that predicted 2 million Americans should be dead by now and others that said 500,000 will be dead. Gates’ money has helped him gain control of the World Health Organization, the UN Climate Change, the CDC, NIH, FDA, every medical research university around the globe – he controls them all!

He has organized a Global Monopoly of the Health Industry as he did with Microsoft.

Population Control

They say the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. For Bill Gates, this is absolutely the case.

Bill Gates’ father was the head of Planned Parenthood. Many saw this as a covert means to justify abortion among minorities to reduce the population, which he has been so concerned with, which is why he has supported the Climate Change movement.

Bill Gates, in an interview, said:

“When I was growing up, my parents were almost involved in various volunteer things. My dad was head of Planned Parenthood. And it was very controversial to be involved with that. And so it’s fascinating. At the dinner table my parents are very good at sharing the things that they were doing. And almost treating us like adults, talking about that.”

Gates appears to be carrying out his father’s objectives. His wife Melinda Gates, who had three kids, is alleged to have embraced abortion as a means for women to be liberated. Of course, abortion is a tool for eugenics.

Many know of the racist legacy of Margaret Sanger (1879-1966), the founder of Planned Parenthood, who once gave a talk to the KKK and helped promote the “Negro Project.”

In her own words, “[Birth control] means the release and cultivation of the better racial elements in our society, and the gradual suppression, elimination and eventual extirpation of defective stocks— those human weeds which threaten the blooming of the finest flowers of American civilization.” (NYT, April 8, 1923).

To this day, 79% of Planned Parenthood’s surgical abortion facilities are located within walking distance of African American or Hispanic/Latin neighborhoods (Map).

Few know that this project is continued on an international scale by the enormous wealth of Bill Gates. 

In 1965, the Rockefeller Foundation was a significant donor to the International Planned Parenthood Federation (Source). Today, the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has spent billions on population control in Africa and throughout the Third World. Obianuju Ekeocha, author of Target Africa, wrote in her 2012 open letter to Melinda Gates:

“Amidst all our African afflictions and difficulties, amidst all the socioeconomic and political instabilities, our babies are always a firm symbol of hope, a promise of life, a reason to strive for the legacy of a bright future. So a few weeks ago I stumbled upon the plan and promise of Melinda Gates to implant the seeds of her ‘legacy’ in 69 of the poorest countries in the world (most of which are in Sub-Saharan Africa). Her pledge is to collect pledges for almost $5 billion in order to ensure that the African woman is less fertile, less encumbered and, yes, she says, more ‘liberated.’”

Contraceptive chip to be implanted in women

Bill Gates is highly inconsistent. He is a huge supporter of Climate Change and has done his TED Talks on lowering CO2 to Zero.

Of course, the Climate Change contingent is all about reducing the population, which is now about 7.5 billion and Gates laments it will hit 9 billion.

So for someone who is so concerned about Global Warming, he has three kids but has funded a microchip to implant into women as a contraceptive.

That’s right, a computer chip that can be controlled remotely to prevent women getting pregnant.

The contraceptive chip is to be implanted under a woman’s skin, releasing a small dose of levonorgestrel, a hormone. This will happen every day for 16-years and can be controlled using a wireless remote device. The project has been backed by none other than Bill Gates.

He is fearful of overpopulation, wants CO2 to be zero, funding vegetarian enterprises, wants to chip everyone, and then is a climate change supporter. This makes no sense.

Why would you want to vaccinate everyone in the world to live longer if you are afraid of overpopulation and climate change?

EVERYONE must be vaccinated

Who has ever heard of a worldwide vaccine program? No one has ever cared that much about whether people in second and third world countries are vaccinated.

Now, Bill Gates wants to vaccinate all 7.5 billion people on the planet.Gates is all over the globe telling people they will/might die if they refuse to accept his vaccine.

Why? What is so important about a virus that is less lethal than the flu? There must be another agenda of control at work. 

You cannot vaccinate the entire world. He cannot be that stupid. The CDC’s data shows that the very best vaccines are only 60% effective. There will NEVER be 100% guarantees.

Yet Gates has admitted in a public interview that 1% of people, or 700,000, could suffer side-effects (die) from his vaccine.


The number of people that would die from COVID-19 was grossly overstated. I’m certain the number of people that will suffer ‘side-effects’ from the vaccine will be GROSSLY understated.

People dying from ‘side-effects’ is ok. Why? Because Gates plans to get governments to indemnify the pharmaceutical companies making the drugs.

World leaders are in Gates’ pocket

Gates meets world leaders around the globe. He is there for only two possible reasons: (1) pitch his vaccine/climate change, and/or (2) offer political donations/favors to achieve his end goals.

To move this issue to a global emergency, they have moved from Climate Change to we will all die if we do not remain locked-down and vaccinated.

Meanwhile, they have succeeded in shutting down the world economy, which was their goal all along. The problem which has emerged is that they have unleashed a Great Depression, which is highly likely in unleashing a new World War.

How Do We Fight Back

First, to ensure your safety, don’t accept any vaccine proposed by Gates and any of his companies.

Gates has huge investments in vaccine companies. If he vaccinates the entire world and made just $1 from each person, that is $7.5 billion. This is a huge violation of the Securities Exchange Act as he has major conflicts of interest that are undisclosed.

If I did that without disclosing my conflicts, I would go to jail for 20 years.

We must bring Gates’s Monopoly of Global Health Care to an end.

DEMAND that the Justice Department investigates the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for non-disclosure of conflicts of interest regarding profits from philanthropic investments, including vaccines, which exposes them to violation of BOTH the Securities & Exchange Act as well as the Sherman Anti Trust Act.

All heads of the pharmaceutical companies working with Gates should be included in this investigation as potential co-conspirators.

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