
25 Things To Do In 2019 To Improve Your Finances

In just a few hours the 2019 will be here. Let me start off by wishing everyone Happy New Year!

As with every new year, now is the time to start making New Year’s Resolutions. Instead of making the ordinary resolutions that often get broken – things like lose weight and get fit, eat healthier and diet, quit smoking, drink less alcohol, travel to new places, and spend more time with family, how about making 2019 the year that you really get your finances under control.

25 Real Life Things You Can Do To Improve Your Finances

  1.  Start a side business
  2. Make money with Swagbucks
  3. Listen to a financial podcast
  4. Read Total Money Makeover
  5. Make money as an Amazon Associate
  6. Keep an eye on your credit score
  7. Invest in rental property
  8. Start a side hustle
  9. Purchase life insurance
  10. Find the best coupons and deals
  11. Earn money with Global Test Market
  12. Payoff high interest rate credit cards
  13. Stop going to the movies
  14. Pay yourself first
  15. Create multiple streams of income
  16. Invest in a 401(k)
  17. Invest in a Traditional or Roth IRA
  18. Eat out less
  19. Make a budget
  20. Pre-plan all your purchases
  21. Find a good mentor and learn from them
  22. Start an Investment Account
  23. Read The Motley Fool
  24. Get exclusive discounts with TopHatter
  25. Save money with Groupon

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