
20 Habits of Highly Successful People

Success is not an accident.

You just don’t wake up, roll out of the bed, and become successful. There are actually things you have to do – sometimes daily – in order to become successful.

You see, highly successful people have habits, that they have developed over time, that led to them becoming successful.

The good news is that you can become successful yourself by modeling the behavior of successful people.

What are the habits of highly successful people?

Below, I’ve listed 20 habits of highly successful people. Chances are you already possess a few of these habits so don’t worry if you have not developed all 21 of these habits yet.

Just set a plan to start developing the success habits that you lack one at a time. In time, you will have added several success habits.

On average, it usually takes 66 days of doing something consistently in order for it to become a habit.

[Related: It takes 21-days to form a habit is a popular myth]

Without further ado, here are the 20 habits of highly successful people.

  1. Take full responsibility for their life
  2. Prioritize & do the most important task first
  3. Create their own morning routine
  4. Daily meditation or mindfulness practice
  5. Make health & exercise a priority
  6. Read & learn continuously
  7. Discipline & self-control
  8. Consistency
  9. Follow through with what they say (no excuses, only results)
  10. Persistence & perseverance
  11. Not afraid to fail
  12. Hone their craft daily & sharpen the saw
  13. Self-awareness
  14. An attitude of gratitude
  15. Have a support system and surround themselves with like-minded Achievers
  16. Goal-oriented
  17. Communicate clearly
  18. Good listener
  19. Value alone time
  20. Love the journey more than the result

What are the habits of wealthy people?

Success should not always be equated with money.

You can be highly successful in life, making the world a much better place because of your service, and not have a lot of money. There are several people, past and present that are examples of this.

However, it should come as no surprise that successful people and wealthy people have a lot in common and share similar success habits.

In a previous post, I listed 21 habits of very wealthy people.

If creating wealth is your goal, focus on developing the habits that lead to financial freedom.

Take full responsibility for your life, set high goals, and prioritize by doing the most important things first, to name just a few.

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